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GIMP BIMP Inkscape + plugins Blender + plugins FreeCAD + plugins winavr or zadig avrdude Handbrake Kdenlive Audacity Chromium Fritzing Arduino KiCad LibreCAD OBS Studio VLC Atom Fusion360 Eagle Fab-modules Kokopelli Antimony Mypaint Scribus Sketchup Grasshopper Millipede Kangaroo NGSpice / TCLSpice Processing DraftSight OpenScad Cura Slic3r Universal Gcode Sender Universal Gcode Platform 7zip git Atmel GNU Toolchain GNU Make Slack Vokoscreen Acrobat reader skype zoom Repetier host Skeinforge OctoPrint Meshroom Meshlab OnShape Monolith MagicaVoxel Unity ffmpeg gui --> 3 Graphical-User-Interface-Applications-using-FFmpeg ImageMagick Slicer (Fusion) Modela Player CAMotics Meshmixer gcc Atmel Studio Eclipse +AVR Firefly Scratch PureData Python + modules (NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, Tk, Tkinter…) FlatCAM

Simplify3D Rhino Solidworks XDesign

Netzwerkfreigabe Ftdi Treiber path variable pointing to avr8-gnu-toolchain, GnuWin32, avrdude

software/software.1610454391.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/12 12:26 by ferdi