Table of Contents

Global Class:

Wednesdays at 15h (KaLi-time)
This is the link to the class videoconference and to the recitations:
The password is 1234

Local Class:

- happening every Thursday at 9AM German time, starting 28.01.2021 - we will connect using our Discord server

Local Class Person Date Software
Principles and Practices, Project Management Daniele 28.01.2021 Brackets, git, Visual Studio Code, Gimp, KDEnlive
Computer Aided Design Ferdi+Ahmed 04.02.2021 Inkscape, Fusion 360
Computer Controlled Cutting Daniele+Ahmed 11.02.2021 Laser Theory Fusion 360 FreeCAD
Electronics Production Daniele 18.02.2021 Eagle to Fabmodules, Gimp, PCB milling
3D Scanning and Printing Ferdi 25.02.2021 3D-printing and scanning
Electronics Design Daniele 04.03.2021 KiCAD, Eagle, Gimp
Computer Controlled Machining Ferdi 11.03.2021 Fusion 360 CAM
Embedded Programming Daniele 18.03.2021 Arduino IDE, C
Mechanical Design, Machine Design Daniele+Ferdi 25.03.2021
break - 31.03.2021
Input Devices Daniele 08.04.2021 slides Input Devices Daniele
Molding and Casting Ferdi 15.04.2021 class Molding and casting Ferdi
Output Devices Daniele 22.04.2021 KiCAD, Eagle, Gimp, class output devices Daniele
Networking and Communications Daniele 29.04.2021 class networking Daniele
Interface and Application Programming Daniele + Ferdi 06.05.2021 Python, PyCharm, Processing D3 Nadieh
Wildcard week Ferdi 13.05.2021 slides wildcard week video composites
Applications and Implications Ferdi 20.05.2021
Invention, Intellectual Property and Income Daniele 27.05.2021
Project Development Daniele 03.06.2021

FabAcademy bootcamp

18-22.1.2021 15-18h

Regional review:

Wednesdays at 13h (KaLi-time)

MCU (always available video channel)