===== Repeating Tasks =====
* vacuum and mop the whole lab (upstairs and downstairs) (08.2020)
* wipe all surfaces, tables, cabinet doors... (08.2020)
* Clean both lasercutters (inside and outside)
===== Tasks =====
☐ make boxes for Arduino kits (Inspiration: [[https://www.google.com/search?q=studley+tool+chest|Studley Tool-chest]], [[https://youtu.be/csu4jQNFfzA|Adam Savage Sorting Drawer]], [[https://www.google.com/search?q=cardboard+Organizer|Cardboard Organizer]])\\
☐ Cover for videoconferencing System (ask Karsten)\\
☐ clean the mess on the floor in front of Gefahrengutschrank\\
☐ build a Tape dispenser [[https://youtu.be/odvKlQhVsq0?t=1071|DiResta Jimmy Tips 9]]\\
☐ build a shelf for the plastic crates [[http://wiki.fablab-kali.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=todo:plastic_boxes.jpg| plastic boxes]]\\
☑ Make a tutorial in the wiki for using Epilog Fusion 60W\\
☐ Make a tutorial in the wiki for using Epilog Zing\\
☐ Make a tutorial in the wiki for using BIGREP ONE V3\\
☐ Make a tutorial in the wiki for using ULTIMAKER 2+\\
☐ Make a tutorial in the wiki for using FORMLABS FORM 1+\\
☐ Make a tutorial in the wiki for using FELIX TEC 4 BAUSATZ\\
☐ Make a tutorial in the wiki for using Wasp Delta 4070\\
☐ Make a tutorial in the wiki for using FiloCUT3\\
☐ Make a tutorial in the wiki for using Roland MDX40A + 4. Achse\\
☐ Make a tutorial in the wiki for using elsign EasyWorker Master Pro 2513\\
☐ Make a tutorial in the wiki for using Formech 300 XQ\\
===== Staff Tasks =====
☐ Replace printer MF-KAM-03-01-105\\
☑ Desinfektionsmittelspender Technikum (Norbert)\\
☐ Glastür 3D Filament (Detlef)\\
☐ 3-phase power for mill, shear and lathe (in progress Detlef and Norbert)\\
☐ sperate plugs for vacuum and drill press (in progress Detlef and Norbert)\\
☐ sperate plugs for bandsaw and drill press (in progress Detlef and Norbert)\\
☑ put electricity connections to the workbenches upstairs (?)\\
☐ virtueller Server, Server Küche (website, wiki, git, fileserver) wird nicht benutzt\\
☐ Schnellspannfutter Drehbank, mehr Einsätze kaufen ([[https://www.axa-maschinenbau.de/fileadmin/axa-maschinenbau/content/downloads/prospekte/AXA_Stahlhalter.pdf|axa quick fix holder]]\\
☐ Ralph kontaktieren wegen Portalkran (Position Schalter)\\
☑ Martin kontaktieren wegen Filament boxKarsten hat mal testweise 2 Dry-Boxes gekauft und Emir hat diese installiert\\
☐ Website für Arduino workshop technische Informatik machen (wo? CMS? git?)\\
☑ Website für farmrobot machen\\
☑ Stromversorgung für die Werkbänke oben im Fablab\\
☐ Kabelrechen designen, bauen und installieren / kaufen?\\
☑ Daniele wegen grove connector ansprechen\\
☐ Co2 sensor?\\
☐ [[https://www.ebay.de/b/Drehlinge-fur-die-Metallbearbeitung/129223/bn_13629370|HSS blanks for lathe]]\\