[<>] ===== Global Class: ===== Wednesdays at 15h (KaLi-time)\\ This is the link to the class videoconference and to the recitations:\\ http://fabacademy.org/2021/video.html\\ https://zoom.us/j/89416278965\\ The password is 1234\\ ===== Local Class: ===== - happening every Thursday at 9AM German time, starting 28.01.2021 - we will connect using our Discord server | **Local Class** | **Person** | **Date** | **Software** | | Principles and Practices, Project Management | Daniele | 28.01.2021 | {{https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MzgImkDW6XA9iECIrqTC9DzGO15ktZcr| Brackets, git, Visual Studio Code, Gimp, KDEnlive }}\\ | | Computer Aided Design | Ferdi+Ahmed | 04.02.2021 | {{https://drive.google.com/file/d/1awEMx9eiFQ6a_7VVslmfojLxRQsq5bo-/view|Inkscape}}, {{https://www.youtube.com/watch?201| Fusion 360}} | | Computer Controlled Cutting | Daniele+Ahmed | 11.02.2021 | {{https://drive.google.com/file/d/19E7uMlIPMgs-IASatrARXPb6Vd1Ri1qy/view| Laser Theory}} Fusion 360 {{https://youtu.be/DFdeOHXaQZM|FreeCAD}} | | Electronics Production | Daniele | 18.02.2021 | {{https://youtu.be/_KlY3JpVLy8| Eagle to Fabmodules, Gimp}}, {{https://youtu.be/aqwZ9HDJmC8| PCB milling}} | | 3D Scanning and Printing | Ferdi | 25.02.2021 | {{https://youtu.be/o795keFJdQI|3D-printing and scanning }}\\ | | Electronics Design | Daniele | 04.03.2021 | {{https://youtu.be/6Y7LyG22oIw| KiCAD, Eagle, Gimp }}\\ | | Computer Controlled Machining | Ferdi | 11.03.2021 | {{https://youtu.be/WzDWO__87dI| Fusion 360 CAM }}\\ | | Embedded Programming | Daniele | 18.03.2021 | {{https://youtu.be/VHcYsJ47G2s| Arduino IDE, C}}\\ | | Mechanical Design, Machine Design | Daniele+Ferdi | 25.03.2021 | | | break | - | 31.03.2021 | | | Input Devices | Daniele | 08.04.2021 | {{https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bKVMUzJ9zR5Mqs0Zu431uOe89iEoHOAP|slides Input Devices Daniele}} | | Molding and Casting | Ferdi | 15.04.2021 | [[https://youtu.be/2Zn2K3WmnvU|class Molding and casting Ferdi ]] | | Output Devices | Daniele | 22.04.2021 | KiCAD, Eagle, Gimp, [[https://youtu.be/kNpyCqtdDUU| class output devices Daniele]] | | Networking and Communications | Daniele | 29.04.2021 | [[https://youtu.be/4hqy40y-dlE|class networking Daniele]] | | Interface and Application Programming | Daniele + Ferdi | 06.05.2021 | Python, PyCharm, Processing [[http://connectmedia.waag.org/FabAcademy/2021/Nadieh-Bremer_intro-showcase-to-D3js.mp4| D3 Nadieh]] | | Wildcard week | Ferdi | 13.05.2021 | [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Z8oo3zF3CGkMIDpxEeATr2J1buDwUeDV_RK5MyBQoDc/edit?usp=sharing| slides wildcard week]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUCfMXxucyc| video composites]] | | | Applications and Implications | Ferdi | 20.05.2021 | | | Invention, Intellectual Property and Income | Daniele | 27.05.2021 | | | Project Development | Daniele | 03.06.2021 | | ===== FabAcademy bootcamp ===== 18-22.1.2021 15-18h\\ http://fabacademy.org/2021/video.html\\ https://zoom.us/j/89416278965\\ ===== Regional review: ===== Wednesdays at 13h (KaLi-time)\\ https://zoom.us/j/96419721473?pwd=SnVJcGJMMk9JazVtMnozVHAxMXVVUT09\\ * Area: Europe * Labs: Waag, AgriLab * Mentor: Henk @henk.buursen * When: wednesday / 2hrs before global review ===== MCU (always available video channel) ===== * http://fab.academany.org/2020/mcu.html or:\\ * https://zoom.us/j/9699009392\\ [<>]